Objective NCERT at your FINGERTIPS Mathematics for NEET-AIIMS | Latest Edition
- Publisher : MTG
- Author: MTG
- Availability: In Stock
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- Rs.865
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Description :
MTG’s Objective NCERT at your Fingertips - Mathematics; is an unparalleled designed in sync with NCERT 11th & 12th Syllabus book to let you have NCERT at your fingertips. This book is designed as per the fact that most of the questions asked in JEE/PETs are from Mathematics NCERT books. It gives a snapshot to revise the important concepts quickly and accommodates chapter wise student friendly synopses for quick and easy revision. The book contains topic wise MCQs to practice and check your progress, NCERT exemplar MCQs, HOTS, Assertion and reasoning for an edge in your JEE and other engineering exams preparation and 6 practice papers for self-assessment. It possesses 100 + Questions in an average to guarantee the complete revision of NCERT Mathematics. This revised edition also includes high definition (HD) images of important topics for better understanding of the concept at the end of the book.
Tags: Objective NCERT at your FINGERTIPS Mathematics for NEET-AIIMS | Latest Edition, MTG, JEE Main
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